Version 0.6 Update

- Character creation has been simplified; now species have 10 points in starting stats; cultures and careers have been removed, to give individual games more control over these things, and simplify base character creation to be just choosing a species and features. 

- Wounds have been removed, as well as a few other little rules that made things a bit more complex than they needed to really be. 

- Social interaction has been clarified with some guidance for how to implement the rules, and when not to use the rules. Social approaches have been added and explained. I suppose I should mention them in character creation, but since they are still a bit experimental for me, they are staying in their own little section right now. 

- The list of features at the end have been recategorized, hopefully to be easier to read! 

I know these things will need some tweaking later, but right now I want to get this new version out for playtesting. 



Metagame 0.6.2.pdf 344 kB
Jul 30, 2023


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