Halfway there! Big overhaul 0.5 beta notes

ARS has graduated and gotten a real name: METAGAME! And if you think, "well, doesn't that name encourage metagaming?" You are somewhat on the right track. This redesign is all about games within games, and allowing players to 'metagame' without breaking the game for themselves or others in the game. Literally everything in the game can be easily taken apart and played with. This game is geared towards players and GMs who legitimately enjoy metagaming, but without 200 pages of rules to remember. 

I tweaked or reworked almost everything, so a detailed changelog is practically impossible. In general, you'll find the new version follows the idea that each general rule category (like movement rules) should only take up one or two pages. Following that design, each page now has its own title to make everything easy to scroll through and find. Pretty much every rule has been tweaked and re-worded to be as clear and concise as possible. There are still a lot of places that can be improved, but this 0.5 version represents the concepts I want to be in the final version of the game pretty well. The document runs about 40 pages now, but about 15 or so pages are examples or other non-rules, so the actual rules for the game are only about 25 pages long. 

So, whether you already saw a previous version, or this is the first time you've heard of this, please take a look and let me know what you think (it's free)! :) 

My next steps are making a detailed guide for building your own items, NPCs, and features to make running the game as easy as possible. In addition, I've been working on actual settings (stone age, urban fantasy, and sci-fantasy) to publish alongside the final version-- come check out the upcoming games using these in the discord! 


Metagame 0.5.0.pdf 367 kB
May 27, 2023


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